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Thema: [NHL] Allgemeine News

  1. #41
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    Standard Re: NHL News

    Gibt weitere Bewegungen auf dem Transfermarkt in der NHL:

    So bestätigten sich die Gerüchte, dass Chris Pronger von den Edmonton Oilers um einen Trade gebten habe. Des Weiteren wurde Pavol Demitra von den Los Angeles Kings im Austausch für Patrick O'Sullivan und einen Draft-Pick (17. Stelle) an die Minnesota Wild abgegeben. Die Toronto Maple Leafs erwarben Torhüter Andrew Raycroft von den Boston Bruins. Der 26-jährige Calder-Trophy Sieger von 2004 wechselt im Austausch für das finnische Torhüter-Talent Tuukka Rask, den die Leafs im letzten Jahr an 21. Stelle zogen, nach Toronto. Rask war im vergangenen Jahr bei der U-20 WM als bester Torhüter des Turniers ausgezeichnet worden. Veteran Ed Belfour (41), stets von Rückenproblemen geplagt, wird aller Voraussicht nach aus seinem Vertrag herausgekauft, während sich Jean-Sebastien Aubin und der Schwede Mikael Tellqvist um den Posten des Backup-Goalies streiten werden.


    + Alex Tanguay von Colorado nach Calgary im Tausch für Jordan Leopold und einen Zweitrundendraftpick
    + Patrik Stefan und Jaroslav Modry von Atlanta nach Dallas für Nico Kapanen und nen Siebtrundendraft

    Nchzulesen auf:


  2. #42
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    Bruins fire coach Mike Sullivan

    BOSTON (AP) - The Boston Bruins' ongoing, wide-ranging overhaul finally reached the head coach.

    The NHL franchise fired Mike Sullivan on Tuesday, ending weeks of speculation. Sullivan had led the team for the past two seasons.

    The Bruins were expected to hire a new head coach by the weekend.

    Sullivan said he sensed his firing was inevitable.

    "Am I disappointed? I am disappointed in the sense that this has been a dream opportunity for me," he told the Boston Herald. "I grew up in this town. I'm a Bruins fan and always have been. To have the opportunity to coach the Bruins has been the thrill of a lifetime. Never for one minute did I take it for granted."

    Peter Chiarelli, who succeeded Mike O'Connell as general manager at the end of last month, was unable to interview coaching candidates expeditiously because he remains an assistant general manager of the Ottawa Senators until July 15.

    "It was a difficult process and I understand (Sullivan's) disappointment," Chiarelli said. "I handled it the best I could, given the constraints of the situation. I am sure Mike will go on to have success in the league."

    The Bruins finished last in the Northeast Division the last season under Sullivan, a Marshfield native and Boston University product who played 11 seasons in the National Hockey League.

    It was interim general manager Jeff Gorton who broke the news.

    "Peter had not met Mike prior to coming to Boston and he felt that it was incumbent upon him to get to know Mike before making a decision on the coaching situation," Groton said.

    "Mike went to Ottawa a couple of weeks ago and they had a good discussion about the game and how it needed to be played in order to have success. Peter advised Mike that he would be talking to other candidates. He went through that process and his decision was that at this time we are better served to have a clean slate."

    Chiarelli was hired to a four-year contract on May 26.

    "My gut feeling, I guess, was this was an inevitability," Sullivan told The Boston Globe. "But, obviously ... you don't know that until it actually happens. I say inevitable, just based on the way things had been playing out."

    The 37-year-old Sullivan succeeded O'Connell to become the 26th head coach in Bruins history. O'Connell had taken over late in the 2002-03 season after Robbie Ftorek was fired. O'Connell added Sullivan, who was head coach at Boston's AHL team in Providence, as an assistant coach.

    That had been Sullivan's only season at Providence, where he went 41-17-9-4. After Boston's season ended, he returned to Providence for the AHL playoffs.

    Sullivan turned pro in 1990 with San Diego of the International Hockey League. O'Connell was his coach there.

    Sullivan joined the NHL with San Jose in 1991-92, the start of an 11-year playing career in which he had 54 goals, 82 assists, 136 points and 203 penalty minutes in 709 games. Sullivan also played for Calgary, Boston, Nashville and Phoenix. He retired after the 2001-02 season.

  3. #43
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    Lidstrom returns
    The Red Wings re-signed defenseman Nicklas Lidstrom, inking the four-time Norris Trophy
    winner to a two-year, $15.2 million deal.

  4. #44
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    In dem Bericht stehen zwar ein paar alte Transfers, dafür aber auch ein paar neue.

    Reichlich Bewegung auf dem Transfermarkt

    Kaum ist der Jubel aus dem RBC Center in Raleigh nach dem Stanley Cup Triumph der Carolina Hurricanes verhallt, dreht sich auch schon wieder das Personalkarussel der NHL.

    Nach den ersten großen Trades, in denen unter anderem Roberto Luongo (Vancouver, zuvor Florida), Todd Bertuzzi (Vancouver, jetzt Florida) und Alex Tanguay (Calgary, vorher Colorado) neue Arbeitgeber fanden, kommt der Transfermarkt auch in diesen Tagen nicht zur Ruhe. Der Tampa Bay Lightning verpflichtete Torhüter Marc Denis von den Columbus Blue Jackets im Austausch für Stürmer Fredrik Modin und Goalie Frederik Norrena. Damit hofft das Team aus Florida, seine Torhüterprobleme nach dem Weggang von Nikolai Khabibulin nach Chicago vor der Saison lösen zu können. Weder John Grahame noch Sean Burke konnten in der abgelaufenen Saison zwischen den Pfosten des Lightning überzeugen.

    Auch bei den Maple Leafs aus Toronto gab es personelle Veränderungen. Nachdem die Leafs Torhüter Andrew Raycroft im Austausch für Tuukka Rask aus Boston verpflichtet hatten, würden die Verträge der Veteran Ed Belfour und Tie Domi aufgelöst. Domi absolvierte 777 Spiele in der regular season sowie 86 Spiele in den Play-Offs im Trikot der Leafs. Belfour, der 1999 mit den Dallas Stars den Stanley Cup gewonnen hatte, absolvierte insgesamt 170 Spiele für das Team mit dem Ahornblatt. Zuletzt litt er jedoch immer wieder unter starken Rückenproblemen und kam in der vergangenen Saison lediglich auf 49 Einsätze.

    Vertragsverlängerungen gibt es unterdessen aus Detroit, Carolina, Toronto, Ottawa und Vancouver zu vermelden. Die Wings verlängerten mit Norris-Trophy Sieger Nicklas Lidström um zwei Jahre, die Canes banden Justin Williams für weitere fünf Jahre an den Verein. Die Toronto Maple Leafs sicherten sich ebenfalls für fünf Jahre die Dienste von Bryan McCabe, während Wade Redden einen neuen Kontrakt über zwei Jahre bei den Ottawa Senators unterschrieb. Zu guter letzt verlängerten die Sedin-Zwillinge um jeweils drei Jahre ihre Verträge bei den Vancouver Canucks. (Dennis Kohl)

    Norrena gleich abgeschoben. Der hat sich das bestimmt anders vorgestellt. Genau so wie Holmqvist.

  5. #45
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    Haunstetten (Gersthofen native)

    Standard Re: NHL News

    Zitat Zitat von
    Senators schieben Hasek aufs Abstellgleis
    Dominik Hasek spielt in den Personalplanungen der Ottawa Senators für die kommende Saison in der nordamerikanischen Eishockey-Profiliga NHL offenbar keine Rolle mehr.

    Der 41-jährige Tscheche, der die abgelaufene Spielzeit nach einer Verletzung bei den Olympischen Spielen in Turin bereits im Februar vorzeitig beenden musste, hat bislang kein neues Vertragsangebot der Kanadier erhalten.

    Dafür gaben die "Senatoren", als zweitbestes Team der Saison 2005/2006 bereits in der zweiten Play-Off-Runde gegen die Buffalo Sabres gescheitert, Ray Emery einen mit 925.000 Dollar dotierten Ein-Jahres Vertrag.

    Emery hatte Hasek bereits nach dessen Verletzung vertreten. Als zweiten Torhüter hatten die Kanadier zuvor bereits den Schweizer Martin Gerber von Stanley-Cup-Sieger Carolina Hurricanes unter Vertrag genommen.

    Beim vertragslosen Hasek stehen die Zeichen damit nach insgesamt 16 Jahren in der besten Eishockey-Liga der Welt auf Abschied.

    Der Olympiasieger von 1998 hatte selbst verlauten lassen, dass ein Engagement in der NHL für ihn in der kommenden Saison nur bei den "Sens" in Frage käme. Ob der sechsmalige Gewinner der Vezina-Trophy (bester Torwart) nun seine Laufbahn in seiner tschechischen Heimat fortführen wird, ist unklar.

  6. #46
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    Gersschthofa Hoods

    Standard Re: NHL News

    Emery ist ne Pflunze !!! :icon_mrgreen: Aber Okay... wen die Sens meinen

  7. #47
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    Zitat Zitat von Kamikautze
    Emery ist ne Pflunze !!! :icon_mrgreen: Aber Okay... wen die Sens meinen

    Ja, ja, alles klar! Der Kerl ist erst 23 Jahre alt und hat das erste Jahr in der NHL gespielt.

  8. #48
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    Gersschthofa Hoods

    Standard Re: NHL News

    Ja trotzdem halt ich nich viel von ihm ^^

    Das soll er erst mal beweißen

  9. #49
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    Standard Re: NHL News

    Zitat Zitat von Kamikautze
    Ja trotzdem halt ich nich viel von ihm ^^

    Das soll er erst mal beweißen
    :? :? :? :?

  10. #50
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    Standard Re: NHL News

    Zitat Zitat von Kamikautze
    Ja trotzdem halt ich nich viel von ihm ^^

    Das soll er erst mal beweißen

    Und warum nicht?

  11. #51
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    Standard Re: NHL News

    Emery ist ein guter Mann. Vor allem jetzt kann er sich mit Gerber abwechseln. Aber das Jahresgehalt von Gerber mit 3,7 Millionen Dollar halte ich für ein bisschen übertrieben.

  12. #52
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    Gersschthofa Hoods

    Standard Re: NHL News

    Zitat Zitat von Golden Brett

    Und warum nicht?
    zu träge wie ich finde... also die Spiele was ich von ihm gesehn habe. Der über Goalie wird er nicht, aber Standart in der NHL. Es gibt bessere als ihn. Die auch jung sind.

    Und ich schätz mal Gerber gibt sich mit der Rolle des Back up nicht ab. Sonst wäre er bei den Canes geblieben.

  13. #53
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    PITTSBURGH -- Goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury signed a two-year contract with the Pittsburgh Penguins on Saturday.

    Fleury, the No. 1 pick in the 2003 NHL draft, agreed to the new deal after the three-year contract he signed following the draft expired. Financial terms were not disclosed.

    The 21-year-old was the Penguins' starting goalie most of last season and had a 13-27-6 record with a 3.25 goals-against average and one shutout for the Patrick Division's last-place team.

    Fleury began the season at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton of the AHL, where he was 10-2 with a 1.57 goals-against average, but was recalled by the Penguins on Nov. 28 and stayed with them the rest of the season. He returned to Wilkes-Barre for the AHL playoffs and had a 2-3 record with a 3.48 goals-against average in five games.

    In 71 NHL games, Fleury is 17-41-8 with a 3.36 goals-against average. He played in 21 games in the 2003-04 season, going 4-14-2.

  14. #54
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    Agent: Russian phenom Malkin wants to play for Pens

    PITTSBURGH -- Evgeni Malkin still wants to play for the Pittsburgh Penguins as soon as possible, his agent said Monday, even though Malkin's Russian team announced the star forward has renegotiated his contract and plans to stay out of the NHL for another season.
    Russian super league team Metallurg Magnitogorsk posted a story Monday on its Web site that Malkin met late into Sunday night with team officials and had reworked a three-year contract into a one-year deal that would allow him to become a free agent in 2007.

    However, Malkin's agent, JP Barry, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that Malkin told him he wants to play in the NHL this season. Malkin also has been quoted in Russia as saying he wants to play in Pittsburgh soon.

    "His wish is to play in the NHL, and in Pittsburgh," Barry said. "We will continue to talk to him about his future, and we will decide the best course for him at this time."

    Malkin's agents, Barry and Pat Brisson, apparently were not with him in Russia during his talks with Metallurg.

    Penguins spokesman Tom McMillan said the team was aware of the Russian team's announcement, but had no comment until it could sort out what was going on.

    Malkin was the No. 2 pick in the June 2004 draft behind last season's rookie of the year, fellow Russian Alexander Ovechkin, and is widely considered the best player in the world not playing in the NHL. The Penguins have been planning for Malkin to join them next month, especially after the Russian hockey federation said it would sign a transfer agreement allowing its players to move to the NHL for a $200,000 fee that would be split by all the Russian teams.

    The other major European hockey federations already follow the transfer agreement. Russia did not do so last season, thus blocking Malkin from joining the Penguins a year ago.

    But the Russian federation didn't sign the agreement despite considerable lobbying by new president Vladislav Tretiak, apparently because of considerable pressure from top Russian clubs that want to negotiate much higher transfer fees for star players such as Malkin. Malkin's club is believed to want $2 million or more for Malkin's rights.

    Also complicating the issue is Malkin's repeated switching of agents. Until June, he was represented by Barry and Brisson, who also represent Penguins star Sidney Crosby. Malkin then hired Don Meehan, who was giving interviews as Malkin's agent until late last week. However, Malkin rehired Barry and Brisson within the last few days.

    Meehan said last week that the 20-year-old Malkin could circumvent his Russian contract and leave to play for the Penguins by simply resigning his job and giving the team a two-week notice that he was leaving. Russian law apparently permits such resignations, even if a contract is in place.

    Malkin's new agents are believed to be exploring using the same loophole to get Malkin into the NHL this season.

    The Penguins have been counting on getting Malkin to join a mostly youthful team that already includes Crosby, who had 102 points as an 18-year-old rookie, and Jordan Staal, the No. 2 pick in the recent NHL draft. The team showed video of Malkin playing in the Olympics on its scoreboard during late-season home games this year in an effort to boost season ticket sales.

    Malkin led Metallurg with 47 points, including 21 goals, in 46 games last season. He also was one of the top players in the Olympics, with two goals and six points for Russia.

  15. #55
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    Blues sign veteran Legace to solidify shaky goaltending

    ST. LOUIS -- Manny Legace finally has found a new team.

    Made expendable in Detroit, the veteran goaltender signed Tuesday with the St. Louis Blues.

    Terms were not disclosed.

    Legace, 33, was the No. 1 goalie in Detroit last season, helping the Red Wings capture the Presidents' Trophy. The seven-year veteran enjoyed a career season, posting a 37-8-0 record with a 2.19 goals-against average and a .915 save percentage in 51 games.

    But after Detroit was upset by eighth-seeded Edmonton in the Western Conference quarterfinals, the team signed four-time Vezina Trophy winner Dominik Hasek.

    Legace should step into the No. 1 job with the Blues, who used four goaltenders and had a league-low 57 points last season en route to missing the playoffs for the first time since 1979.

    "The Blues are thrilled to bring a veteran goaltender with a career winning record to our team," St. Louis general manager John Davidson said. "With the addition of Manny, we feel solid with the depth we have in a goal."

    Drafted eighth overall by Hartford in 1993, Legace owns a career record of 114-43-18 with a 2.21 GAA and a .917 save percentage in 197 career games. The Toronto native played his first season with Los Angeles, then spent the next six campaigns with Detroit.

  16. #56
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    Flyers' Desjardins to announce retirement

    Longtime Flyers defenseman and former captain Eric Desjardins will announce his retirement Thursday, a team source told The Philadelphia Inquirer.

    The veteran, slowed by a series of injuries in the last several years, was not offered a contract by the Flyers this summer. And so the 37-year-old has opted for retirement.

    Desjardins was acquired in one of the biggest trades in Flyers history. He came from Montreal on Feb. 9, 1995, along with John LeClair and Gilbert Dionne in exchange for Mark Recchi and a third-round draft pick.

    He wound up playing 738 games as a Flyer and scored 396 points. Only Mark Howe (480) scored more among Flyers defensemen. Desjardins had 136 goals and 439 assists in his 17-year NHL career.

    Desjardins missed 29 games last season after undergoing shoulder surgery. He had missed the playoffs in 2004 after breaking his right forearm, an injury that also cost him 29 games of the regular season.

    He sat out the final eight games of the playoffs in 2003 with a broken foot.

    Desjardins scored all three Montreal goals in a 3-2 overtime victory over the Los Angeles Kings in Game 2 of the 1993 Stanley Cup Finals. The Canadiens went on to win the Cup.

  17. #57
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    Malkin geflüchtet, Magnitogorsk droht

    Montag, 14. August 2006, 14:08 Uhr - Martin Merk

    Der Fall Evgeny Malkin geht in die nächste Runde. Der 20-jährige russische Nationalstürmer, der vertraglich an Metallurg Magnitogorsk gebunden ist, flüchtete am Samstag wortlos vom Trainingscamp in Finnland und will sich den Pittsburgh Penguins anschliessen.
    Sein russischer Club droht nun mit rechtlichen Schritten und will eine Kompensation von seinem NHL-Team, das ihn 2004 als Nummer 2 gedraftet hat - angeblich zwei Millionen Dollar.
    "Alle reden sie über Demokratie und den American Way, nur um uns dann schamlos den besten Spieler zu stehle. Das ist purer Sportterrorismus," äusserte sich der Clubpräsident Gennady Velichkin erbost über das Verhalten der Penguins. Weil Russland - allen voran Magnitogorsk - sich dem Transferabkommen des IIHF mit der NHL nicht anschliessen wollte, können die NHL-Teams nicht wie im Rest Europas keine Spieler verpflichten, welche in Russland unter Vertrag stehen. Nun droht der Fall zum Juristenfutter zu werden. Metallurg Magnitogorsk hat bereits gedroht, vor ein Gericht in den USA gegen die Penguins vorzugehen. Auch der russische Verband FHR und der internationale Verband IIHF sind in diesen Fall eingeschaltet.


  18. #58
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    Und hier nun der ausführliche Beitrag in english...

    Russian team to go to court over Malkin defection

    MOSCOW -- Russia's Metallurg Magnitogorsk will go to court to seek compensation from the Pittsburgh Penguins after the sudden disappearance of their best player, Evgeni Malkin, the Superleague club's head said on Sunday.

    "We're all in shock," Gennady Velichkin said after Malkin, Pittsburgh's No. 1 pick in 2004, secretly fled Metallurg's training camp in Finland on Saturday just days after agreeing to a new contract with the club.

    "The players, coaching staff are also very upset because for four days Malkin was training with the team and suddenly he is gone without saying a word to anyone," he told Reuters in a telephone interview.

    Last week, Metallurg said that Malkin had annulled his previous contract with the club, which would have kept him in Magnitogorsk through April 2008. Instead, he had signed a new one-year deal after which he would become a free agent.

    But the young Russian, who turned 20 two weeks ago, has always stated his desire to play in the National Hockey League, saying he wanted to prove himself at a higher level.

    Velichkin blamed Malkin's American agents and his NHL club for stealing Russia's best players.

    "They all like to talk about democracy, the American way and then they shamelessly steal our best players. This is pure sports terrorism," said the Metallurg general director.

    "Don't forget, Malkin is a young kid, he is still very naive and it was easy for them to get into his head all that stuff about the American dream and how great the NHL is," he added.

    "The Pittsburgh owners are trying hard to sell the club, and the price would be totally different if they had Malkin.

    "But you can't just take our best players and expect to get away with it."

    The talented center, who has been compared with Pittsburgh owner, the great Mario Lemieux, has been the most sought-after player by the NHL this year.

    Pittsburgh drafted Malkin second overall in 2004 behind fellow Russian Alexander Ovechkin, who took the NHL by storm last season, winning the Calder Trophy as the best rookie.

    Velichkin said the fact that Russia has refused to sign a transfer deal with the NHL would not prevent his club from going to court in the United States to seek compensation for Malkin.

    Russia remained the only major hockey nation not to sign the deal, which was approved by the International Ice Hockey Federation in 2005.

    "We've put so much effort, resources and money into Malkin's development as a player. He was our gold diamond, our prize possession. He had a contract with us, we were building the whole team around him and now he is gone," Velichkin said.

    "But don't think we'll just sit there and do nothing. We'll go to court to get what we believe is proper compensation."

    Under the transfer deal Magnitogorsk would have received a basic $200,000 fee for Malkin while Metallurg reportedly wanted at least 10 times more.

    Velichkin declined to specify the sum he was seeking for Malkin, pointing to similar deals involving soccer players.

    "In soccer, a fee for a player of Malkin's caliber would be into tens of millions of dollars," he said. "He is a franchise player and we won't be satisfied with anything less."

  19. #59
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    Owen Nolan wechselt nach Phoenix

    Nach über einjähriger Spielpause hat Owen Nolan einen neuen Arbeitgeber in der NHL gefunden.
    Der 34-Jährige unterschrieb einen Einjahresvertrag bei den Phoenix Coyotes, nachdem er die komplette letzte Spielzeit aufgrund einer hartnäckigen Knieverletzung pausieren musste. Der ehemalige Teamkollege von Marco Sturm bei den San José Sharks spielte vor dem Lockout bei den Toronto Maple Leafs, die allerdings aufgrund von Nolans Verletzung kein Interesse an einer Weiterverpflichtung des gebürtigen Iren hatten.

  20. #60
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    Source: College standout Kessel to sign with Bruins
    By E.J. Hradek

    According to a league source, University of Minnesota forward Phil Kessel has decided to forego the final three years of his college eligibility and sign a three-year contract with the Boston Bruins. The club likely will make the formal announcement on Thursday.

    Kessel will earn the entry-level max $850,000 in annual salary for the duration of the contract. He'll also be eligible for significant performance-based bonuses. For example, rookie stars Alex Ovechkin and Sidney Crosby earned approximately $3 million in bonuses during the 2005-06 season.

    The Bruins figure Kessel will fit in nicely on the team's top two lines. In one scenario, Kessel could play left wing on a line with newly-acquired free agent center Marc Savard and veteran right wing Glen Murray.

    Last season, in 39 games as a freshman at Minnesota, Kessel scored 18 goals and dished out 33 assists for 51 points. Kessel got a chance to play against the big boys as a member of Team USA's World Championship team last spring. In seven games, he had a goal and an assist for two points.

    Kessel wowed scouts with his performance for Team USA's Under-20 team during the past two winters. In 14 career Under-20 tournament games, Kessel scored five goals and recorded 12 assists for 17 points.

    The 6-0, 190-pound Madison, WI native will turn 19 on Oct. 2.

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