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Thema: NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

  1. #1
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    NHL Presents New Proposal

    The NHL today formalized a new CBA proposal and presented it to the
    NHLPA in a continuing effort to create an economic partnership and to
    return the game to the ice. View highlights of the new offer, including
    an unprecedented profit-sharing plan.

    Quelle: NHL CBANEWS

  2. #2
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Der Vorschlag wurde in der vorliegenden Version übrigens von der NHLPA abgelehnt..

    NHLPA rejects latest offer

    The NHLPA suggests the two sides meet again, this time with Gary Bettman and Bob Goodenow.

    (CP) -- The NHL Players' Association rejected the NHL's latest proposal Wednesday but didn't close the door on labour talks.

    In fact, the two sides will meet Thursday in New York at the request of the union, this time with NHLPA executive director Bob Goodenow and NHL commissioner Gary Bettman present.

    "The league today presented a written proposal with minor variations of concepts that were presented orally by the NHL last Thursday," NHLPA senior director Ted Saskin said in a statement. "We told the league last week and again today that their multi-layered salary cap proposals were not the basis for an agreement.

    "Given the status of negotiations, the NHLPA suggested that the parties meet again tomorrow with Bob Goodenow and Gary Bettman joining the meeting."

    Wednesday's meeting in Newark, N.J., began just after 10 a.m. EST and wrapped up around 2 p.m. EST.

    The NHL turned up the heat by releasing details of its new proposal. As expected, it includes a salary cap linking revenues and player costs.

    By releasing details of the proposal, the NHL no doubt hopes to put pressure on the players to accept it. Or at least pressure the NHLPA executive to put it to a vote.

    The league's offer included a new component in a profit-sharing plan between players and clubs. The players and owners would share the profits 50-50 after a certain profit threshold is reached.

  3. #3
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    NHL and NHLPA end Friday meeting Staff with files


    Sudden-death NHL labour talks ended badly Friday.

    A source close to the talks said things did not go well in a four-hour meeting in New York between the NHL and NHL Players' Association that wrapped up at 3 p.m. EST.

    "The major stumbling remains the league's insistence on a hard cap system," NHLPA senior director Ted Saskin told The Canadian Press from New York.

    NHLPA executive director Bob Goodenow was also pessimistic.

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    Roenick wants chance to vote on offers

    "We met the last couple of days, tried to cover some issues and maybe a few new issues to see if there was a possibility of some common ground and some traction, but that isn't the case," Goodenow told reporters in New York before leaving.

    "The parties agreed to stay in touch but there's really no progress to report of any type. That's the reality."

    No further talks were planned, although the league left the door open.

    "We had extensive and constructive talks over the past two days," executive vice-president Bill Daly said in a statement. "While there are no future meetings scheduled, we have agreed to keep the lines of communication open.

    "Despite several media reports to the contrary, we have no intention of making any further announcement relating to collective bargaining or the status of the season at this time."

    NHL commissioner Gary Bettman did not immediately comment.

    New Jersey Devils CEO and GM Lou Lamoriello, a member of the league's negotiating committee, said time is of the essence.

    "We're getting closer and closer and there has to be a decision one way or another soon," Lamoriello told The Canadian Press from New Jersey. "You can't go any higher than the two men (Goodenow and Bettman) who are now involved. We have to leave it in their hands right now to make that decision.

    "I don't know how much more time is left."

    But Lamoriello hasn't totally given up on the season.

    "It doesn't sound or look good at this point but no one has told me the season is over," he said. "Until they do that, Yogi (Berra) still lives in New Jersey and I see him often, he's a good friend - it's never over until it's over."

    With the season on the line, the two sides resumed discussions following nine hours of talks the previous day but headway was not made.

    The meeting was supposed to be at a secret location but Canadian television networks tracked down the site in Manhattan.

    Bettman and Goodenow were involved in the talks for the first time since mid-December but 13 hours of talks did not produce the miracle agreement.

    Few expected any good news to come out of the meetings Thursday and Friday after the NHLPA rejected the NHL's latest offer Wednesday.

    The lockout, which reached its 142nd day Friday, has forced the cancellation of 775 of the 1,230 regular-season games. In fact, during the last two days of talks alone, 13 games flew out the window.

    The sticking point remains the same since talks began in January 2003. The league wants a salary cap system that links player costs with revenues. The union insists it will never play under such a system.

    The league did soften its stance Wednesday, compared to its Dec. 14 offer, re-introducing salary arbitration, offering joint audit of team finances with stiff penalties for the cheaters, profit-sharing with the players, dropping the unrestricted free agency age to 30 from 31, and adding an owner-player council which would together decided ways to improve the on-ice product.

    But the salary cap remained a huge obstacle.


  4. #4
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Report: NHL to set deadline Staff


    There might be a drop-dead date to the NHL season after all.

    According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, the league is prepared to issue a deadline of Monday or Tuesday to reach a labour agreement with the NHL Players' Association before canceling what's left of the 2004-05 season.

    Sources told the paper that the league will contact the NHLPA today or tomorrow and inform them of the timeline.

    Related Info
    Gretzky, Hull differ on lockout issues

    The league reportedly has three different schedules with 28, 30 and 32 games and would need a deal early next week in order to start the season around February 25.

    When asked about starting the season late yesterday, Brett Hull held nothing back.

    "It would be ridiculous," Hull told TSN on Tuesday. "Both sides have come this far and battled so hard on what they believe needs to be done. The game has suffered so let's just call it a wash and start next year.

    "We should just cancel (the season) now, get this thing done and let the teams prepare their staff, their season ticket and PR people and be ready."

    While there does not seem to be much hope for negotiations, three players said last week they might accept a cap if it were higher than the NHL's proposed range of $32 million to $42 million.

    If the league and union cannot work out a deal, the NHL will become the first major professional sports league to cancel an entire season. Through Wednesday, the league has lost 813 games.

    With files from the Los Angeles Times


  5. #5
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    [size=18px]NHL MAKES COMPROMISE OFFER[/size]


  6. #6
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    das dürfte es wohl endgültig gewesen sein.... :x

  7. #7
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Zitat Zitat von
    [size=16px]Melnyk: Let the players vote[/size]


    Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk thinks he has a solution for the NHL lockout: Let the players vote.

    According to a report in the Globe and Mail, Melnyk thinks that the majority of NHL players would agree to play under a salary cap, saying, "I think the best solution would be to get these 700 guys in a rink somewhere and get them to vote on this, individually and confidentially. I think you'd be absolutely shocked at what comes back."

    Melnyk's statements come on the heels of Dallas Stars owner Tom Hicks stating that the players have already seen the best offer they are going to get from ownership. Not coincidentally, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman lifted his gag order on NHL owners late in the week, when it finally appeared that negotiations between the NHL and NHLPA had broken down.Melnyk is so confident in his position that he issued a challenge to the NHLPA. "I dare them to go out and do a confidential vote of the 700 players. I've got a very good sense of where a lot of these players are.The more vocal ones have a view that I think is inconsistent with the view of the whole membership," Melnyk continued. "I think that would be their worst nightmare, to actually put it to a vote."

    According to a report in USA Today, NHL officials and team executives heard from some players on Friday and Saturday who were willing to accept a salary cap in the range of $47 million, without any linkage to league revenues. While it doesn't fit the league's ideal, it's also a departure from the NHLPA's staunch refusal to consider a cap.

    For their part, the players doing the public speaking are standing firm. Scott Walker, the Nashville Predators player representative, told the Globe and Mail, "We've already counted this season out. We were told this could last for one year or even two years."

    Those statements that were echoed by veteran Detroit Red Wings forward Brendan Shanahan in an interview with ESPN, with a despondent Shanahan talking about this process even taking as long as three years.

    Melnyk, who rescued the Senators from bankruptcy in April of 2003, has been supportive of the league's position throughout the process, telling the Ottawa Sun in December that, "The most important thing is to fix the system. What we don't want to do is end up back in the same situation three, four or five years from now."
    Dieser Vorschlag war eigentlich längst überfallig, für die Rettung dieser Sasion wohl viel zu spät, aber im Hinblick auf die nächste Spielzeit ein vernünftige Idee! Kann mir gut vorstellen, dass die meisten NHL-Spieler den Salary Cap akzeptieren würden.

  8. #8
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Zitat Zitat von Uvira
    Dieser Vorschlag war eigentlich längst überfallig, für die Rettung dieser Sasion wohl viel zu spät, aber im Hinblick auf die nächste Spielzeit ein vernünftige Idee! Kann mir gut vorstellen, dass die meisten NHL-Spieler den Salary Cap akzeptieren würden.
    Vorallem dürften ja nicht wirklich alle so astronomische Gehälter kassieren.
    Die wollen ja auch mal wieder spielen und dann is doch die ein oder andere Millionen wurscht.

  9. #9

    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Bettman calls Wednesday news conference Staff/CP files

    The National Hockey League will conduct a news conference with Commissioner Gary Bettman on Wednesday at 1pm et from New York where it is expected he will officially cancel the 2004-05 regular season and playoffs.

    Individual NHL clubs are said to be planning their own local news conferences immediately following Bettman's announcement.

    TSN has learned that NHL executive vice-president Bill Daly and NHLPA senior director Ted Saskin met Monday at an undisclosed location in a last-ditch attempt to save the season. As of 6:45pm et, the two sides are still behind closed doors. As in some previous meetings, Bettman and union chief Bob Goodenow are not in the room.

    Players who spoke with Goodenow were told Monday that representatives of the two sides were getting together.

    The NHL and NHL Players' Association met with U.S. federal mediators in Washington on Sunday but still could not make any progress, despite five hours of talks.

    According to a statement from the NHLPA, Scot B. Beckenbaugh, acting director of the U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, requested the meeting.

    Bettman and Goodenow were not in these meetings either. Daly and league outside counsel Bob Batterman represented the NHL with Saskin and union outside counsel John McCambridge representing the Players' Association.

    Saskin later released a statement saying that no progress was made as a result of the meeting.

    Daly also released a statement, which echoed Saskin's.

    If the season is canceled on Wednesday, the NHL would become the first major professional league in North America to ever cancel an entire season from beginning to finish.

  10. #10
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    [size=16px]NHLPA offers cap, NHL rejects it[/size]
    Canadian Press


    NEW YORK (CP) - The No. 1 issue that has plagued the NHL lockout went out the window Monday night when the NHL Players' Association offered a deal that included a $52-million US salary cap.

    But the deal was rejected by the NHL.

    The surprising move was made by NHLPA senior director Ted Saskin during his secret meeting with NHL executive vice-president Bill Daly in Niagara Falls, N.Y.
    According to an NHLPA statement, Daly began the process Monday by offering a $40-million salary cap without ''linkage'' - a fixed link between player costs and league revenues, which has long been the centrepiece of the NHL's bid for cost certainty.

    The union counter-offered with the $52-million team-by-team salary cap. The players' proposal also featured more aggressive payroll tax thresholds and tax rates on team payrolls.

    ''It is indeed unfortunate that with the major steps taken by both sides today we were unable to build enough momentum to reach an agreement,'' Saskin said in a statement released early Tuesday morning.

    The union's offer also included the 24 per cent salary rollback on all existing contracts.

    These latest developments came as the NHL announced a news conference for Wednesday at 1 p.m. EST in New York when commissioner Gary Bettman is expected to announce the cancellation of the 2004-2005 season.
    While no talks were planned for Tuesday, the fact that both sides made dramatic moves from their longstanding positions Monday night could spur on more last-ditch efforts to save the season.
    As it stands, the players have finally accepted a salary cap for the first time in their history while the league gave up on linkage. Now the two sides are separated by $12 million on their cap figures. And with the rollback, two-thirds of the league's teams would be under $40 million.

    But is it too late?

    Earlier on Monday night, the league sent out a statement saying talks between Daly and Saskin produced ''no progress.''
    Bettman's news conference was originally slated for Tuesday, according to a source, but pushed back a day as Daly and Saskin met late into the night.

    It all made for a roller-coaster day.

    ''I've said all along, until someone tells me it's over, it's not,'' Devils GM and CEO Lou Lamoriello said from his New Jersey office Monday. ''It's too easy to be negative.
    ''There's no question we have something scheduled at this point for Wednesday. It's looking very bleak right now but it's not over.''
    The Devils boss also offered some advice.

    ''To me, let's get rid of all these buzz words (salary cap, luxury tax) and get something done that works for everybody,'' he said.
    Should the worst happen Wednesday, the NHL will become the first major professional league in North America to cancel an entire season from start to finish. But Bettman says the damage the NHL will suffer as a result is worth it in order to get ''cost certainty'' for his owners.

    The NHL and the union met for more than five hours with U.S. federal mediators in Washington on Sunday but still could not make any progress. Bettman and NHLPA executive director Bob Goodenow were not at the meeting. Daly, the NHL's executive vice-president and chief legal officer, and outside counsel Bob Batterman represented the league while Saskin, the NHLPA's senior director, and outside counsel John McCambridge were there for the union.

    So much of the season has already been scrapped. Through Monday, 824 of the 1,230 regular-season games have gone by the wayside.

    If an agreement can still be reached, the league has a shortened schedule ready to go that would see teams play 28 regular-season games, playing only within their conference. The playoffs would stay the same and consist of four rounds.


  11. #11
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    Standard NHLPA akzeptiert erstmals "salary cap"

    Lockout: Einigung noch möglich - NHLPA akzeptiert erstmals "salary cap"

    Niagara Falls, 15. Februar

    Mit einem überraschenden Gegenvorschlag konterte die Spielergewerkschaft NHLPA am Montag die Ankündigung der NHL am Mittwoch eine Pressekonferenz abhalten zu wollen, um - wie von allen Seiten erwartet - den endgültigen Ausfall der kompletten Saison bekanntzugeben.
    Bei dem geheimen Treffen in Niagara Falls offerierte Ted Saskin von der NLHPA das Angebot einer 52 Millionen Dollar Gehaltsobergrenze pro Team - überhaupt erstmals in den seit 2003 andauernden Verhandlungen. Die Einführung einer Gehaltsobergrenze war bisher der größte Knackpunkt bei der Gestaltung eines neuen Tarifvertrags. Allerdings lag das gestrige Angebot der NHL bei einer Obergrenze von 40 Millionen Dollar pro Team.

    Gestern wies NHL-Vizepräsident Bill Daly das neue Angebot noch zurück, aber obwohl für heute keine weiteren Gespräche offiziell geplant sind, rumort es kräftig im Hintergrund. "Es ist schade, dass wir es noch nicht geschafft haben, mit diesem großen Schritt zu einer Einigung zu kommen", so Saskin nach dem Treffen.

  12. #12
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    In Frankfurt scheint man davon auszugehen, dass doch noch gespielt wird. Hier ein paar Auszuüge vom Spielbericht gegen Krefeld


    So glücklich die Lions Verantwortlichen über den Erfolg ihrer Mannschaft nach den 60 Minuten waren, trübte die Nachricht, dass die NHL sehr wahrscheinlich nun doch eine Saison beginnen wird, diese Freude. Denn damit absolvierte Stephane Robidas heute vermutlich sein letztes Pflichtspiel für die Lions, und der noch am Dienstag lizenzierte Doug Weight wird sich erst gar nicht ins Flugzeug Richtung Frankfurt setzen.

    Auch bei den Fans hatte sich bis Spielende längst herumgesprochen, dass sie Stephane Robidas gegen Krefeld vermutlich das letzte Mal im Lions Trikot gesehen haben. Und so verabschiedeten die Zuschauer den sympathischen Robidas mit vielen Sprechchören.

    Rich Chernomaz freute sich, dass sein Team ein „schönes Spiel“ gezeigt hatte und kündigte an, dass er später noch in die Kirche fahren wird, um zu beten, dass die NHL doch nicht spielen wird. „Robidas hat eine tolle Saison für uns gespielt. Er ist der Kopf der Verteidigung. Die Mannschaft wird ihn sehr vermissen, wenn er uns verlässt“, sagte der Lions Coach nach dem Spiel.

  13. #13
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Aktuell von

    NHL macht der Gewerkschaft ein finales Angebot Staff

    Die NHL hat ein Gegenangebot zum NHLPA-Angebot abgegeben, in dem der Salary Cap auf 42,5 Millionen erhöht wurde.

    Die NHL hat NHLPA Direktor Bob Goodenow mitgeteilt, daß das ein endgültiges Angebot ohne Verhandlungsspielraum ist, und erwartet eine Antwort der Gewerkschaft bis spätestens Mittwoch, 11:00 Uhr EST.

  14. #14
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Zitat Zitat von rigo domenator
    Aktuell von

    NHL macht der Gewerkschaft ein finales Angebot Staff

    Die NHL hat ein Gegenangebot zum NHLPA-Angebot abgegeben, in dem der Salary Cap auf 42,5 Millionen erhöht wurde.

    Die NHL hat NHLPA Direktor Bob Goodenow mitgeteilt, daß das ein endgültiges Angebot ohne Verhandlungsspielraum ist, und erwartet eine Antwort der Gewerkschaft bis spätestens Mittwoch, 11:00 Uhr EST.

    Das dürfte schätzungsweise nicht ganz reichen.

  15. #15
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Zitat Zitat von Golden Brett
    Zitat Zitat von rigo domenator
    Aktuell von

    NHL macht der Gewerkschaft ein finales Angebot Staff

    Die NHL hat ein Gegenangebot zum NHLPA-Angebot abgegeben, in dem der Salary Cap auf 42,5 Millionen erhöht wurde.

    Die NHL hat NHLPA Direktor Bob Goodenow mitgeteilt, daß das ein endgültiges Angebot ohne Verhandlungsspielraum ist, und erwartet eine Antwort der Gewerkschaft bis spätestens Mittwoch, 11:00 Uhr EST.

    Das dürfte schätzungsweise nicht ganz reichen.
    Könnte sein...
    Ich dachte, man würde sich bei 47,5 Mio einigen.

  16. #16
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Heute Abend um 19.00 Uhr ist dann die finale Pressekonferenz von Gary Bettmann!

    Livestreams gibt es unter und

    Naja sind ja immerhin noch 9,5 Millionen Dollar zwischen beiden Seiten, glaube jetzt nicht mehr daran obwohl ich immer noch ein Fünkchen Hoffnung habe (und an das Gute im Eishockeyspieler glaube :wink: )

    Hauptsache Kölzig spielt am Freitag noch im CFS, aber das wird so oder so der Fall sein! Oder würde bei einer Einigung der Vertrag sofort aufgelöst?

    Starttermin der neuen NHL Saison wäre ja der 1. März mit 28 Spielen pro Mannschaft.

  17. #17
    Registriert seit

    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Also wenn man den Bericht von Frankfurt so anschaut, dann wäre Kölzig bei einer Einigung sofort weg!!

  18. #18
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Zum einen schätze ich mal, daß Kölzig aus rechtlicher Sicht kein Spiel mehr für Berlin absolvieren dürfte, da er ja, sobald der Lockout beendet ist, wieder bei Washington unter Vertrag steht. Zum anderen denke ich, müßte sich Kölzig eh in den nächsten Flieger setzen, da - bei einer Einigung - in den nächsten Tagen die Trainingscamps beginnen dürften.

  19. #19
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?


    16.2.2005 | Auch NHLPA macht "letzte Offerte"
    (mm) Nachdem gestern die NHL ein Angebot für ein Salary Cap auf 42,5 Millionen Dollar leicht erhöht hatte mit der Bemerkung, dass dies die letzte Offerte vor der Absage der Saison sei, hat nun auch die NHLPA nachgezogen. Sie ging mit ihrem Angebot auf 49 Millionen Dollar runter – ebenfalls mit der Bemerkung, dass man keine weitere Offerte mehr mache. In einigen Stunden hat die NHL eine Medienkonferenz angekündigt.

  20. #20
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    Standard NHL - wird doch noch gespielt ?

    Glaub zwar nicht daran,aber da würden einige DEL-Clubs ganz schön dumm schauen, wenn es zu einer Einigung kommen würde!!!

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