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Thema: [NHL] Allgemeine News

  1. #21
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    Theodore wegen Dopings gesperrt

    Gegen Kanadas Nationaltorwart Jose Theodore (Colorado Avalanche) verhängte die kanadische Ethik-Kommission CCES eine zweijährige Sperre. Grund dafür war ein positiver Befund auf die verbotene Substanz Finasterid.

    Theodore führte den Befund auf den Gebrauch eines Haarwuchsmittels zurück. Die Sperre gilt allerdings nur für internationale Einsätze und nicht für die NHL.
    Wenns läuft, dann läufts :new_silly:

  2. #22
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    Haunstetten (Gersthofen native)

    Standard Re: NHL News

    NHL: Crawford neuer Los Angeles-Trainer

    Los Angeles, 23. Mai

    Die Los Angeles Kings engagierten Marc Crawford als neuen Trainer. Der 46-Jährige war 1996 Stanleycup-Gewinner mit Colorado. Erst letzten Monat war Crawford in Vancouver nach der knapp verpassten Playoff-Qualifikation entlassen worden.

    Crawford folgt bei den Kings, die die Playoffs ebenfalls verpassten, auf Interimscoach John Torchetti. Dieser hatte erst im März den langjährigen Headcoach und früheren NLA-Trainer Andy Murray (u.a. ZSC und Lugano) abgelöst.

  3. #23
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    Lightning sign Richards to five-year, $39 million deal
    Associated Press

    TAMPA, Fla. -- The Tampa Bay Lightning began what figures to be an offseason of change by ensuring their future includes Brad Richards.

    The 2004 Stanley Cup playoffs MVP signed a new five-year, $39 million contract instead of opting to become a restricted free agent on July 1. The $7.8 million average annual salary is more than twice the $3.4 million he made while leading the Lightning in scoring this season.

    "It shows where this organization is going. It's going to be around him. He deserves it," coach John Tortorella said.

    "There are a lot of contracts out there that I don't think players deserve. This one here, there's no question as far as what he's done and what's he going to be able to do because there's more, and Brad knows that. And I think he's going to reach down and bring that out within him to carry this organization."

    The 26-year-old center is the Lightning's career assists leader with 261, the third highest total in the NHL over the past five seasons behind Joe Thornton and Jagomir Jagr. He had 23 goals and 91 points in helping the defending Stanley Cup champions reach the playoffs again this year.

    Tampa Bay was eliminated from the first round by Ottawa in five games, and talks about a new contract began with Richards' agent, Pat Morris, the following morning.

    As a restricted free agent, Richards would have been able to receive offer sheets from other teams. Although Tampa Bay would have had the right to match prospective deals, there was no guarantee it could have retained its star under the restraints of the salary cap.

    Even more daunting was the prospect of Richards becoming an unrestricted free agent after next season if he agreed to a one-year contract, instead of the long-term deal that could keep him in a Lightning uniform until he's 31.

    "Imagine a player of his caliber, his skill and ability going on the open market at the age of 27," general manager Jay Feaster said.

    "There's never been a question in our mind that Brad is so important to this franchise. He has stepped up to every challenge we have ever issued to him."

    Richards set an NHL record for game-winning goals in a playoff year [seven] during the Lightning's Stanley Cup run. He's second on the team's all-time scoring list with 368 points and fifth with 107 goals.

    "There's no other place I'd rather be," Richards said, adding he never gave much consideration to the idea of signing for one year and becoming an unrestricted free agent in 2007.

    "I just thought the best thing for me would be a longer-term deal. To stick around one or two years to try to cash in didn't make sense to me. ... There was no 'do this or do that' or hold a gun to anybody's head. But I wanted to be here."

    Now, Feaster will turn his attention to other priorities, including finding a new goaltender -- most likely through a trade. He doesn't believe the size of Richards' deal will be a hindrance to making necessary changes.

    "There's no question it's going to be a long, hard summer," the general manager said. "But I'm very optimistic about being able to do what we have to do."

  4. #24
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    Chelios reportedly signs one-year deal

    DETROIT -- Chris Chelios must be very good friends with Father Time.

    According to a report by the Detroit Free Press on Wednesday, Chelios will return to the Detroit Red Wings for his 23rd NHL season in 2006-07 after signing a one-year contract with the club Tuesday.

    The newspaper is reporting the deal is worth $850,000, the identical amount Chelios, 44, made this past season. The Chicago native, who has spent the last 6½ seasons with the Red Wings, is the oldest active player in the league and oldest ever to play for Detroit.

    A second-round pick of Montreal in 1981, Chelios helped the Canadiens win the Stanley Cup five years later and also was a member of Detroit's championship team in 2002. He became the first American to win the Norris Trophy, in 1989, while with the Canadiens and captured the award in 1993 and 1996 while patrolling the blue line for the Chicago Blackhawks.

    In 1,476 career games -- fourth all-time among defensemen -- with Montreal, Chicago and Detroit, Chelios has 182 goals, 925 points and 2,803 penalty minutes. He has represented the U.S. in four Winter Olympics, including in February in Torino, where he was team captain.

  5. #25
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    Shero bypasses Bruins, takes Penguins' GM job

    PITTSBURGH (AP) - Ray Shero had a surprise waiting for young sons Christopher and Kyle when they arrived home from school in Nashville. On the family phone was a message from Mario Lemieux, welcoming them to Pittsburgh.

    That's how Shero revealed to his family he was becoming the Penguins' general manager.

    "If you could see the look in their eyes - the joy in their eyes - that Mario Lemieux actually left their dad a message, it was really tremendous," Shero said Thursday after signing a five-year contract. "It really makes me feel this is the right place for us."

    Shero, the Predators' assistant general manager for eight seasons under David Poile, might change his mind when he starts watching game tapes. A Penguins franchise that made the playoffs every season from 1991-2001 hasn't won more than 28 games during four consecutive last-place finishes, a falloff that even Lemieux's comeback as a player couldn't prevent.

    "But there's an outstanding talent base of young players here, and it's an exciting, exciting time in Pittsburgh," Shero said, pointing to 100-point rookie Sidney Crosby, promising goalie Marc-Andre Fleury and draft pick Evgeni Malkin. "You've got some wonderful assets to build around here that other teams do not have."

    But the Penguins have problems, many of them, which is why Shero repeatedly referred to the necessity of having patience.

    He said the NHL's new labor agreement and salary cap allow teams to build quickly - none of this season's four conference finalists made the playoffs in 2003-04 - but that Pittsburgh needs more players, and soon.

    "It's about more than one player or two players, because it's a team sport," said Shero, an NHL assistant GM for 14 years. "I recognize the fact we have Sidney Crosby, he's an unbelievable talent and a superstar. But he's going to need help."

    The 43-year-old Shero doesn't blame his Hall of Fame predecessor, Craig Patrick, for the bad trades, poor signings and overall neglect that led to the Penguins' steep decline. But Shero suggested the Penguins were wrong for emerging from the NHL's one-year shutdown last year by rushing out to add veterans such as Sergei Gonchar, John LeClair, Ziggy Palffy and Jocelyn Thibault.

    The older players not only didn't improve the Penguins, they saddled them with debt - especially Gonchar's $25 million contract - that must be paid for years. Patrick's own contract wasn't renewed last month following 16-plus seasons on the job.

    "I'm more interested in establishing a winning tradition in Pittsburgh, and that means doing things right - having a vision, having a plan and having patience," Shero said. "My goal here is to re-establish that tradition, and that's not just one year of winning hockey."

    Shero was hired by a Pittsburgh a day after breaking off talks with the Boston Bruins. Shero said he felt more comfortable working for Penguins president Ken Sawyer and Lemieux, whose group has owned the team since 1999.

    "I interviewed with them (the Bruins), that's public knowledge, but what I really want to convey is this is the place I really wanted to be," Shero said. "It's important to me who you work with."

    That's why Shero initially told Sawyer he "didn't want to be saddled with a coach" - referring to Michel Therrien, who has two seasons left on his contract after replacing Eddie Olczyk in mid-December. The Penguins' record under Therrien (14-29- was nearly identical to that under Olczyk (8-17-6), based on winning percentage.

    Shero apparently wanted to hire Predators assistant coach Brent Peterson as head coach with any team he took over, but changed his mind as discussions with Sawyer progressed.

    "I think there has been enough change for a while, and we need some stability," Shero said. "I think he brought that - especially in the last 20 games, there was some substance and discipline. My feeling is that I am going to work well with Michel Therrien and his staff and we're going to win the Stanley Cup together."

  6. #26
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    Standard Re: NHL News

    Na das sind ja hohe Ziele und tolle Ansichten! Da bin ich mal gespannt!

  7. #27
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    Sind zwar keine NHL News.. aber Olympia News ;-) und auch sehr interessante.

    Costs force smaller ice surface for '10 Olympic hockey

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Ice hockey will be played on the smaller North American-sized surface during the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver in a bid to save money, organizers said on Wednesday.

    Olympic hockey has traditionally been played on the larger ice surfaces used in European leagues, but officials said the change would save an estimated $10 million (Canadian) in construction costs and allow room for more seats.

    Games organizers warned in February construction costs were running 23 percent higher than was forecast when the city was awarded the Olympics three years ago.

    At least one of the Vancouver arenas scheduled to be used in the 2010 Games would have needed a major reconstruction to support the larger international-sized ice surface.

    The International Ice Hockey Federation has agreed to the change.

    The standard North American-sized ice hockey surface is 60 meters by 26 meters (200 feet by 85 feet) compared to the international size of 60 meters by 30 metres (200 feet by 98.5 feet).

  8. #28
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    Standard Re: NHL News

    damit die Kanadier auch wirklich in ihrer Heimat den Olympia-Sieg erringen... :icon_evil:

    Ist meiner Meinung nach schon ein klarer Vorteil für die beiden nordamerikanischen Teams - wobei die das doch gar nicht nötig haben!

  9. #29
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    und hier das ganze auf Deutsch ;-) 08.06.06

    Vancouver 2010: Eishockey wird auf NHL-Eisfläche gespielt

    Bei den Olympischen Winterspielen im Jahr 2010 in Vancouver (12. - 28.2.) wird auf den kleineren Eisflächen der National Hockey League (NHL) gespielt. Dies entschieden das Organisationskomitee (VANOC) und der Eishockey-Weltverband (IIHF) am heutigen Tag. Anders als bei den bisherigen Turnieren muss aus logistischen Gründen auf die vier Meter schmalere NHL-Eisfläche zurückgegriffen werden. Laut IIHF (Regel 101) muss das Spielfeld bei internationalen Turnieren 30 Meter breit und 60 Meter lang sein.

    Die Veranstalter rechnen damit, dass durch diese Maßnahme etwa 35.000 Tickets mehr zur Verfügung stehen. Da der Anteil der NHL-Spieler bei der diesjährigen Olympiade in Turin mehr als 53 Prozent betrug, sehen das Organisationskomitee und die IIHF bei dieser Regeländerung keinerlei Umstellungsprobleme für die Spieler.

  10. #30
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    Zitat Zitat von schmidl66
    damit die Kanadier auch wirklich in ihrer Heimat den Olympia-Sieg erringen... :icon_evil:

    Ist meiner Meinung nach schon ein klarer Vorteil für die beiden nordamerikanischen Teams - wobei die das doch gar nicht nötig haben!
    Schmidl altes Haus ;-)
    da werden eh nur Cracks spielen die das ganze Jahr über in der NHL spielen... das ist null Vorteil für uns und die US Amerikaner...

  11. #31
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    NHL erfolgreich mit höherem Salary Cap

    Das Comeback der NHL nach dem Lockout war nicht nur sportlich erfolgreich, auch wirtschaftlich kamen die Franchisen auf einen grünen Zweig. Gemäß einem kanadischen Fernsehsender kann die sehr umstritten gewesene Lohnobergrenze erhöht werden.

    Aus diesem Grund wird der Salary Cap von 39 auf ungefähr 44 Millionen US-Dollar erhöht werden können, teilt die Gewerkschaft NHLPA den Spielern mit. Die Lohnuntergrenze wird von 21 auf 28 Millionen US-Dollar erhöht.


  12. #32

    Standard Re: NHL News

    Canes sign Brind'Amour to 5-year deal


  13. #33

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    Luongo going to Canucks for Bertuzzi Staff
    6/24/2006 1:03:04 AM

    The Vancouver Canucks and Florida Panthers have completed a multi-player trade involving some big names on the eve of the NHL Draft.

    The Panthers have confirmed that they acquired Todd Bertuzzi, Bryan Allen and Alexander Auld from the Canucks in exchange for Roberto Luongo and Lukas Krajicek and a 2006 sixth round pick.


  14. #34
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    Haunstetten (Gersthofen native)

    Standard Re: NHL News

    Das überrascht mich dann doch. Das Duo Bertuzzi-Näslund wird gesprengt :shock:

  15. #35
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  16. #36
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    Ducks re-sign Teemu Selanne

    ... mit dem neuen Logo im Hintergrund ;-)

  17. #37
    Registriert seit
    Haunstetten (Gersthofen native)

    Standard Re: NHL News

    Also heißen die nun nur noch Anaheim Ducks?

  18. #38
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    Zitat Zitat von Nightmare
    Also heißen die nun nur noch Anaheim Ducks?
    So ist es

  19. #39
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    Zitat Zitat von Nightmare
    Das überrascht mich dann doch. Das Duo Bertuzzi-Näslund wird gesprengt :shock:
    Ich find's zwar auch schade, aber so gut wie vor dem Lockout (und seiner Sperre) war er ja nicht mehr. Und daß was passieren würde war doch klar, nach der zweiten Saisonhälfte und Platz 9

  20. #40
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    Vancouver braucht muss jetzt ein neues Team aufbauen, und dann sind alte Leute wie Bertuzzi oder jovanovski, die ihren Zenit schon überschritten haben fehl am Platz.
    Mit den Sedins und luongo hat man eín sehr gutes gerüst für die zukunft.
    Sowieso war klar das Luongo getradet wird, genauso wie klar war, dass bertuzzi nicht mehr in Vancouver bleibt, und seit januar geistert ein solches trade Gerücht durch viele Foren.
    Nur um Allen und Auld ist es irgendwie schade!

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